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Regift Your Gift to Deborah

You can now donate unused gift card balances to Deborah Hospital Foundation, making a gift that will last a lifetime. Your gift today impacts the lives of patients tomorrow.

  1. Select participating merchant/card.
  2. Put in gift card information and balance.
  3. Select Deborah Hospital Foundation as your charity.

Shopping gift cards

Turn your gratitude into action

Hearts of Gratitude

Show gratitude for the care you or a loved one received at Deborah and pay it forward, ensuring other patients will receive the same high-quality, compassionate care in the future. Complete the Cycle of Goodness. Share a financial donation, share your story, and share your heart to help us help others.

Tribute Program

Honor or commemorate someone for years to come and help perpetuate Deborah’s altruistic philosophy that “There is no price on life” by purchasing one of our everlasting tributes. Donors can commemorate a special occasion, honor loved ones and remember family members or friends. We have several different types of tributes to choose from.

When you make a donation to Deborah Hospital Foundation, the person you are honoring is notified of your thoughtful gift. The amount of your gift is confidential and is only visible on your receipt. Contact the Foundation at 609-893-0100 if you have any questions regarding tributes.

View all the Tribute Program Options

Purchase a Plaque Online

Tribute Plaques

Memorial/In Honor Gifts

If you would like to make a heartfelt gift in honor or in memory of someone, the person or family member you designate will be notified of your thoughtful gift. The amount of your gift is confidential and shown only on your receipt.

We can also help you celebrate a special event, such as a birthday, anniversary, bar mitzvah, baptism, wedding, etc. happening in your life or in the life of a family member or friend through a gift to Deborah.

Hospital Staff with Woman

Annual Giving

One of the most intangible, and yet visible characteristics of Deborah is its deeply rooted culture of philanthropy. Annual Giving is the cornerstone of our entire development program. It is the process of seeking unrestricted financial support on an annual basis from a growing pool of individuals to help foster Deborah’s extraordinary culture of philanthropy.

Expanding our Family of Donors is paramount to the long-term success of our Foundation, and through this process some our most loyal and dedicated supporters are identified.

Through the continuous support of our donors, annual giving generates approximately $700,000 per year to provide support for patient care.

Did you know you can “double” your personal gift to Deborah by utilizing your employers Matching Gifts Program? Please contact your company to see if they participate.

For more information, contact the Foundation at 609-893-0100.

Major Gifts

Obtaining significant gifts and providing individual donors with a lifetime of new opportunities to positively impact the lives of patients at Deborah comes through a major gift commitment. It is not a campaign; rather it is a powerful methodology for developing personalized strategies for cultivation, solicitation, recognition and stewardship of major gift donors. It is future-focused and engages donors according to how their interests match Deborah’s mission.

Gifts of cash, check or credit card are the easiest and most direct way to benefit the Deborah Hospital Foundation, and are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Gifts of personal property and matured life insurance policies are also gratefully accepted.

For more information about Major Gifts or naming opportunities, please contact the Foundation at 609-893-0100.

Senior couple with consultant at the office

The IRA Rollover - An Easy Gift Option

If you are seventy and a half or older, you can make a gift to Deborah Hospital Foundation from your individual retirement account (IRA) or Roth IRA while enjoying a federal tax benefit.

When you make a gift to Deborah from your IRA, you do not recognize the transfer as income. Funds gifted from your IRA will NOT subject your Social Security income to higher tax levels and will count toward your annual minimum required distribution (MRD). As such, no additional charitable deduction is given for your rollover.

The law allows up to $108,000 per IRA owner or beneficiary. A husband and wife with separate IRAs could give up to $216,000 per year.

Checks must be made payable directly by your IRA administrator to Deborah Hospital Foundation. Please click here for a Request for Charitable Distribution of Cash Letter to send to your administrator. Please click here for a Request for Charitable Distribution of Stock Letter to send to your administrator.

For more information about IRA Rollover, please contact Tom Drotar or Ellen Krivchenia at 609-893-0100. You can also email Tom at or Ellen at with any questions.

Cropped shot of a senior couple sitting with their financial advisor in their home during the day

Planned Giving

By making Deborah part of your long term financial and estate planning, your gift will benefit Deborah and its patients tomorrow and beyond, just as you intend it to. We offer a variety of meaningful ways for you to remember and honor loved ones, relatives, friends and associates, as well as meaningful recognition for your generous support.

Corporate and Foundation Gifts

Deborah Hospital Foundation’s Corporate and Foundation Relations Department aligns external partner funding sources with Deborah’s internal programs and research needs. By acting as the liaison between Deborah’s clinical and administrative leadership with external corporate, private foundations and a variety of government agencies, we are able to establish meaningful partnerships for funding. This is accomplished through grant writing, which is distinct from traditional fundraising efforts and includes a unique set of processes and detailed reports, goals and other requirements as mandated by the funding entities.

Naming opportunities are available at various funding levels related to supporting a specific program, state-of-the-art equipment, or naming of a particular area or department.

Corporate Matching: Leveraging Employee Support

We encourage firms to promote their corporate matching programs to employees, and for employees to enroll in them. By adding Deborah Hospital Foundation to your corporate gift-matching program, you have a remarkable opportunity to multiply the impact of employee gifts.

To explore funding opportunities that match a corporation or foundation’s interest with current programs and services at Deborah, please contact the Foundation at 609-893-0100.

Visit Deborah Heart and Lung Center

Deborah Heart and Lung Center is New Jersey’s only specialty heart, lung, and vascular hospital. Visit Website

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